Content Marketing


Department Overview

Professionally written content is at the helm of every high-result marketing strategy. The product descriptions we read before buying something online, viral blog posts that are shared on Facebook, even the top results on Google – all these online marketing activities require high quality content.

From industry-leaders to startups, savvy businesses across the board are spending more time, energy, and resources on procuring the best content. That’s where we come into the picture.

Diginers is home to the largest in-house content writing team in Asia. Our track record of successfully completing over 50,000 projects positions as one of the biggest content powerhouses in the world.

Our content team offers a diverse range of services for clients from across the world. Businesses, non-profits, and professionals hire our experts to get better exposure online.

Over 75 professionals are part of our content writing team. Their roles vary from:

  • Copywriting Executives
  • Senior Executive Copywriting
  • Senior Digital Marketing Specialists
  • Senior Digital Strategists
  • Senior Executives – Editing & Planning
  • Senior Executives – Editing & Planning
  • Managers – Editing & Planning
  • Senior Managers – Editing & Planning

Skills Required

The ability to write well, read in between the lines, and an inherent drive to consistently improve are three attributes that are required to succeed in the copywriting department.

At Diginers, we believe that neither age nor experience makes you great. Greatness comes from ability and attitude. We hire entry-level and experienced professionals from different backgrounds on compensation commensurate with experience. We then give them a platform through which they can unlock their true potential.

Profile Required

As a growth-oriented organization, Logicose is constantly on the lookout for talented professionals that have career goals which align with ours. Some of our best performers are accountants, business graduates, dentists, engineers, and even geologists by education. Regardless of your background, you will love working at Diginers if you have a passion for writing.

You will be required to pass a writing test before you are considered for a position at Diginers. Please prepare well for our test because your starting salary at Diginers will be contingent upon how well you do.

We offer a starting salary of RS. 60,000 to fresh, university graduates that perform exceptionally well on our writing test.

Writers, editors, project managers, and other professionals that are a good fit will be offered salary commensurate with experience.

Please fill out an application form and someone from our HR team will contact you.

Salary and Benefits

Diginers offers above market salary packages to attract the best talent possible. That’s not all, if you’re ambitious and hard working you can earn your first raise within 90 days of joining Logicose.

Here are some of the benefits of working at Diginers:

  • Above market salary
  • Salary increment depending on performance on confirmation
  • Bi-annual performance based increments
  • Comprehensive leave policy
  • Health insurance for you and your spouse
  • Provident fund
  • EOBI
  • Excellent work environment
  • Bi-annual company-wide events
  • Monthly performance based awards

Growth Opportunities

There are two main career growth paths to pursue in the copywriting department.

The first is to dominate online copywriting. The second, more demanding path is pursuing leadership.

Career Path in Content Writing

The way business is done has revolutionized because of the internet. Entire industries have had to change marketing strategies to stay relevant.

Our content team plays an integral part in helping businesses across the world achieve their online marketing objectives. We are able to add value by offering high result services such as SEO, blog management, web content, email marketing, and more.

We offer over 45 content writing services.

In order to win, we have to consistently improve and grow. After all, we are challenged with complex projects for demanding clients from various industries.

Experienced and rookie members of our team are given feedback from clients, editors, and line managers on a routine basis. Performance is reviewed on a quarterly basis. The entire team goes through performance based appraisals on a bi-annual basis. Writers are given quantifiable and qualitative targets bi-annually.

Training and Development

We help our team members attain the skills needed to enhance their performance. At Diginers, we’re firm believers of continuous improvement. Our goal has always been to deliver the best that we can on each project we take on. This helps ensure better results, quality, and service.

The successful track record we have had wouldn’t have been possible without our well-rounded focus on the training and development of our employees.

Training at Diginers works on four fronts:

  • New hire orientation
  • On-the-job training
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Performance based goal-setting

Career Path in Content Leadership

Diginers is a proponent of promoting from within. There are a lot of talented professionals out there, but our people are groomed to win. All leaders at Diginers are required to work their way up by proving their commitment to grow through hard-work.

In order to lead at Diginers, you need to exhibit exceptional ability and attitude.

Some of the traits that we look for in our leaders are:

  • Passion
  • Ownership
  • Technical knowhow
  • People skills
  • Charisma
  • Commitment

Diginers is a growth-oriented organization that is bent on aggressively pursuing greater and bigger targets every quarter. As such, we expect our aspiring leaders to:

  • Be motivated to grow quickly
  • Work harder and smarter than the competition
  • Take ownership of their work
  • Exhibit a high level of professionalism

Our growth rate requires that we routinely identify, train, and groom future leaders. We require all our leaders to prove their ability and attitude in the content writing team before they’re promoted to a leadership role.